1. Player 1 skates behind the net and picks up a puck
2. Once Player 1 makes a decision of which way to go, player 2 and 3 move into position
3. D1 and 2 will start skating backward once Player 1 picks up the puck
4. O players focus on moving the puck down the rink
5. Play until goal, puck frozen or D clears the puck
1. Setting up a play out of their own end
2. Player position – If Player 1 goes to the right, then Player on far boards moves to the middle
3. D should focus on filling their gaps and moving into good D position once puck is moved into zone
Whistle play dead at any point you need to make corrections of show correct positions. Tell players to freeze on whistle.
1. Player 1 skates behind the net and picks up a puck
2. Once Player 1 makes a decision of which way to go, player 2 and 3 move into position
3. D1 and 2 will start skating backward once Player 1 picks up the puck
4. O players focus on moving the puck down the rink
5. Play until goal, puck frozen or D clears the puck
1. Setting up a play out of their own end
2. Player position – If Player 1 goes to the right, then Player on far boards moves to the middle
3. D should focus on filling their gaps and moving into good D position once puck is moved into zone
Whistle play dead at any point you need to make corrections of show correct positions. Tell players to freeze on whistle.